There’s an old saying that goes, “you are what you eat” – and when it comes to nutrition, this quote rings true. It’s quite simple. If you eat good foods – you’ll feel good. If you eat bad foods – you’ll feel bad. And although this is a very simplistic approach to nutrition – it’s true. From a health perspective, food is your greatest medicine. Eating the right foods will give your body the nutrients it needs to clean toxins, create new cells, and to function throughout the day.
From a holistic approach to health, here’s how food affects other areas of your health:
Sleeping: If you enjoy caffeine and eating sugary foods throughout the day, this can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. As a result, not only will you feel fatigued once the effects wear out – but your sleeping patterns can alter at night too. Larger meals also have a similar outcome. If you go to bed full, your body will work hard to digest your food. And as a result, your sleep quality declines.
Exercise: Eating right can enhance your workouts. A good diet will ensure that you get the vitamins and minerals you need to perform well. Foods such as wholegrain bread and cereals are essential before engaging in any physical activity. After your workout, foods high in protein will allow you to grow and repair your muscles. It’s also important to drink lots of water to give you the energy you need to perform and prevent dehydration.
Thinking: Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate our mood, and about ninety-five percent of it produced in our gastrointestinal tract. In simple terms, your gut not only helps you to digest food, but it guides your emotions too. That’s why our brains work best when we eat fatty acids, probiotics, and antioxidants because we protect it from oxidative stress. On the other hand, processed and refined foods can cause swings in blood sugar levels, which, as a result, give you “mood swings.”
Connecting: A healthy diet can have you looking good and feeling great. An increase in self-confidence will give you higher levels of self-esteem too. You’ll feel more confident socially, and more empowered to develop new friendships and romantic connections as well.
Next blog: Sleeping!