
We’ve all had nights where we’ve been lying in bed tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. Whether it be a stressful day ahead, 100 things on your to do list or for no reason at all; not being able to fall asleep can be so frustrating. Although there is medications you can turn to, at FitHealth, we believe this should be a last resort. Luckily there are tons of natural remedies in the form of food and drinks you can try to help you fall asleep at night! We’ve done our research to find the best of the best in hopes of helping you get a great nights sleep tonight and every night!

There are a few nutrients found in foods and some herbal teas that are believed you help you fall asleep at night. These include tryptophan, melatonin, calcium, magnesium, omega-3, and sleep-promoting carbohydrates just to name a few. So here goes the list of a few of the best food and drinks to get the night of sleep you deserve!

Tart Cherries

Cherries are actually the only source of melatonin you can eat. So having a few cherries after dinner or a glass of cherry juice can make falling asleep at night much easier. If you’re not a fan of cherries you’re in luck! You can opt to take all natural cherry extract pills instead.


Almonds contain the amino acid  tryptophan which produces serotonin which helps you relax and feel tried. Almonds also have calcium and magnesium which studies have suggested are two minerals crucial for having a quality sleep.

Salmon and other fatty fish

Salmon is packed with omega-3 which according to recent study conducted in the UK promotes higher quality sleep. So if you find yourself struggling to sleep on the regular try incorporating more salmon and other fatty fish into your weekly dinner rotation.


Bananas are a jam packed snack with sleep-promoting carbohydrates and tryptophan as well as potassium and magnesium which all promote faster and higher quality sleep. It’s also great that it’s a lighter option if you’re having trouble sleeping late at night and don’t want to eat a healthy snack.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has been used for centuries as a relaxation aid. A study conducted even found that in can be a mild sedative that can reduce anxiety, calm nerves, and ease insomnia. So in order to promote better sleep brew yourself a strong cup before bed!

Hopefully, these natural remedies with help you get the sleep you deserve every night without having to rely on medications! We so often forget we’ve been blessed with the best natural medicine and the food we put into our bodies everyday can solve so many of our health problems.





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